Post-Meeting Field Trip 3

Post-Meeting Field Trip 3

Paleoseismic trenches on active faults in the suburb of Beijing 

Time Duration:25 October,2024 

Leader:  Prof. LIU Jing, Tianjin University 

Major cities or towns on the line:  Beijing City (start), Hebei Province, Beijing City (end) 

Geological features for observation and investigation: 

Major Holocene faults and large historical earthquakes in Hebei Province and Beijing; Late Quaternary sedimentary stratigraphy in trenches; Seismic evidences in trenches, for blind faults and surface deformation zone, North China Plain; Large magnitudes of liquified evidences, including sand sills, sand volcanos, lateral spreading, etc, caused by instrumental, historical and ancient earthquakes; 3D liquefied bodies, revealed by combined trenches, including size, depth and expressions underground; Great earthquakes ruins, for example, -The Tangshan M 7.8 earthquake of 1976; Surface deformation zone, ruptured by great earthquakes in North China Plain;   

Costs:  500 CNY per-person, which covers:
        1. Field vehicle rental/gasoline.
        2. Administrative fees for preparing and setting up the field trip.
        3. Simple lunch.
        4. Paleoseismic trench excavation and maintenance.
        5. Fees for entering properties during the field excursion without sightseeing, etc.

