Registration fees

Registration fees


PaymentPayment (before 1 September)Payment (after 1 September)
Participating Member
(non-participant in Workshop)
2500 CNY3000 CNY
Participating Member
(participant in Workshop)
3000 CNY3600 CNY
Student Member
(including Workshop)
1200 CNY1500 CNY


            We accept a bank transfer or WeChat Payment for registration fees and field trip fees. There is no refund of the payment at any reason. Accommodation fees must be paid directly to the hotel.

1. Bank Transfer

For Oversea Payment:

  • Bank Name: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

  • Bank Address: Baiwan Zhuang Banking Office No. 15, San Li He Road Haidian District Beijing, 100037 China

  • Account Holder Name: Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences

  • Account Holder Address: 26 Baiwan Zhuang Road Xicheng District Beijing 100037 China

  • Account No.: 0200 0014 0900 8803 752

  • Swift code: ICBKCNBJBJM

  • Inquiry: Mrs.WEN Jun, Tel: +86-(10)-68999472, E-mail:


  • 户名:中国地质科学院

  • 开户行:工商银行北京百万庄支行

  • 纳税人识别号:110102400002574

  • 银行账号:0200 0014 0900 8803 752

  • 行号:102100000144

  • 背书注明:汇款须备注DEEP2024+单位名称

  • 特别注意:会议报道现场索取发票及相关注意事项请参照网站说明。

  • 财务联系人:王一博、文君

  • 电话:010-68999300

  • 邮箱

2. WeChat Payment

Please scan the QR-Code in your WeChat account to make the registration payment.

Please endorse the payment by: "DEEP2024 + Payer’s Name + Unit in".

