
  • HOU Zengqian

    SinoProbe Lab. and CAGS

  • DONG Shuwen

    Nanjing University and SinoProbe Lab.

  • ZHU Rixiang

    Institute of Geology and Geophysics of CAS

  • THYBO Hans

    International Lithosphere Programme (ILP)

  • BOHNHOFF Marco 

    International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP)

  • SAVAGE Martha

    Seismology Section of American Geophysical Union (AGU)

Members (in alphabetical order)

  • ANDREA Morelli

    University of Bologna, Italy


    SinoProbe Lab. and EGU, Denmark

  • BROWN Douglas Larry

    Cornell University, USA

  • CHEN Jun

    Nanjing University, China

  • CHEN Xiaofei

    Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China

  • CHENG Qiuming

    China University of Geosciences Beijing, China


    Uppsala University, Sweden

  • CHULUUN Oidov

    National Geological Survey of Mongolia


    Utrecht University, Netherland

  • CLOWES M. Ron

    University of British Columbia, Canada

  • DING Lin

    Institute of Tibetan Plateau, CAS, China

  • DONG Yunpeng

    Northwest University, China


    Michigan State University, USA

  • GRIFFIN William

    Macquarie University and GEMOC, Australia

  • GAO Rui

    Sun Yan-Sen University and SinoProbe Lab., China

  • JIN Zhijun

    Peking University, China

  • KASHUBIN Sergey

    Russian Geological Research Institute, (VESGEI)


    Stanford University, USA


    Stanford University, USA

  • KLINGER Yann

    Institute De Physique Du Globe De Paris, France

  • LEWIS Ashwal

    University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa

  • LI Yaoguo

    Colorado School of Mines, Denver, USA

  • LIU Lijun

    Institute of Geology and Geophysics of CAS, China

  • LIU Mian

    University of Missouri, USA

  • Lü Qingtian

    SinoProbe Lab. and CAGS, China

  • MAO Jingwen

    Institute of Mineral Resources, CAGS, China

  • MICHAEL Dentith

    The University of Western Australia

  • MILSHTEIN Evgenia

    Russian Geological Research Institute, (VESGEI), Russia

  • MOONEY Walter

    United States Geological Survey, USA

  • NI Sidao

    Innovation Academy for Precision Measurement Science and Technology, CAS, China

  • O'REILLY Suzanne Y.

    Macquarie University, Australia

  • SONG Xiaodong

    SinoProbe Lab. and Peking University, China

  • TANG Jüxing

    SinoProbe Lab. and CAGS, China

  • TAPPE Sebastian

    University of Johannesburg, South Africa

  • THYBO Hans

    SinoProbe Lab. and ILP, Denmark

  • WANG Chengshan

    China University of Geosciences Beijing, China

  • WOODWARD Robert

    EarthScope Consortium, USA

  • XIAO Wenjiao

    Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, CAS, China

  • XU Yigang

    Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry of CAS, China

  • YANG Jingsui

    Institute of Geology, CAGS and Nanjing University, China

  • YANG Shufeng

    Zhejiang University, China

  • YASUHIRO Yamada

    Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science Technology

  • ZHANG Huiping

    Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration

  • ZHANG Peizhen

    Sun Yan-Sen University, China

  • ZHAO Guochun

    University of Hongkong, Northwest University, China

  • ZHAO Wenzhi

    China National Petroleum Corporation, China

  • ZHENG Yongfei

    University of Science and Technology, China

Secretary Generals

  • LÜ Qingtian

    SinoProbe Lab. and CAGS, China

  • LIU Mian

    ILP, Missouri University, USA

Executive Office

  • CAGS:

    ZHANG Xiaobo, CHEN Xuanhua, SITU Yu

  • SinoProbe Lab.:

    ZHOU Qi, JI Zhansheng

  • ICDP:

    WIERSBERG Thomas

  • ILP Secretariat:

    WANG Qin

  • AGU Seismology Section:

    FORD Heather A., FAN Weiyuan

