Deep Earth exploration is a multi-disciplinary, complex undertaking aimed at understanding the structure, dynamics and evolution of the continents and their margins. Interactions between Earth’s tectonic plates produced the continents and oceans that characterise our planet while creating the mineral resources that support our standard of living. Active tectonic processes are also responsible for devastating hazards such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and control Earth's surface topography which fundamentally affects the climate, environment, and our modern life. Therefore, it is of common interest to society worldwide to study the interior of the Earth and to gain fundamental insights into how our planet operates.

What is SinoProbe

SinoProbe is funded by the Chinese Government for Earth exploration with unprecedented scope and ambition. The overall aim of SinoProbe is to take a multi-disciplinary approach in studying the composition, structure, and evolution of the continental lithosphere of China. SinoProbe-I, the initial phase of SinoProbe, was launched in 2008 and was successfully completed in 2016. This was followed by DREAM (Deep Resources Exploration and Advanced Mining) from 2016-2021 and Deep Geological Survey from 2016. The achievement of the past years has outlined a wide range of exciting scientific research directions and defined new questions to be addressed by SinoProbe-II. SinoProbe-II will focus on the bottleneck of deep earth exploration technology, develop an Aeronautical-Surface-Interior exploration technology and equipment system. To enable geoscientists to reach the deeper interior of the Earth. It will conduct deep structure and deep material exploration along key zones across China and in its adjacent areas, including acquisition of 20,000km of seismic reflection profiles, high density broad-band seismological data with a 30x30km station density, and MT data at 1°x1°, as well as super-deep scientific drilling and observations. SinoProbe-II will accumulate a huge number of valuable data about the deep Earth, and through wide data exchange, up-to-date computer and AI technologies will benefit geosciences and related disciplines, education, and international cooperative research. SinoProbe-II will also co-initiate the Global Probe project, "Earth CT", with prominent organizations including ILP, IUGS, IUGG, ICDP, GFZ and universities and institutes from a large number of countries.

What is the DEEP -2024

After the successful 2011 ISDEL,DEEP-2018 and DEEP-2021 meetings, that were attended by hundreds of geophysicists and geologists from the USA, Canada, Brazil, Russia, Australia, Japan, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Turkey, Poland, UK, Ireland, South Africa, India, Singapore, etc., as well as China, DEEP-2024 is continuing more open and cooperation for global geo-community with the international family of attendees included principal and co-principal investigators of international deep exploration programmes, such as COCORP and EarthScope of the United States, LithoProbe and CCArray of Canada, AGCRC of Australia, and EuroProbe, TopoEurope, and AlpArray of Europe.

Taking the opportunity of DEEP-2024, SinoProbe-II will host the launching ceremony with global partners. SinoProbe-II is looking for close international collaboration through the DEEP-2024 platform with SinoProbe Lab. Talent Boost Program, aiming for integration of exploration and research of critical geological study areas worldwide, and contributing to the international sharing of exploration data and results, with the overall objective of enhancing our knowledge of the Earth and its mineral resources.
