Sessions Overview


The theme of DEEP-2024 is " Wide Open Collaboration".

Sessions Overview

  • Plenary Session

    The next great geosciences voyage


    ZHU Rixiang (Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS, China), DONG Shuwen (SinoProbe Lab. and Nanjing University, China), WANG Chengshan (China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China), HOU Zengqian (SinoProbe Lab. and Institute of Geology, CAGS, China)


    SinoProbe-II (2024-2030) has just been funded by the Chinese government with a grand new mission. Building on the foundation of SinoProbe-I, the ambitious aims of the SinoProbe-II are to: 1) significantly improve deep-Earth exploration technology; 2) increase the depth extent of deep Earth targets; 3) enhance the knowledge of the structure, composition, and deep evolution of the lithosphere of the continental East Asia and its surface evolution, and 4) reveal the deep dynamics of mineralization, hydrocarbon accumulation, and geohazard. The expansion of deep Earth perspectives will lead to the birth of “Modern Deep Earth Science”. The main targets of the SinoProbe-II include: 1) Lithospheric Fine Structure Imaging: Integrated deep seismic profiling together with three-dimensional P- and S-wave velocity structure (broadband station spacing of 30×30 km), and electrical structural imaging of continental lithosphere at a 1°×1° resolution. 2) Deep Earth Composition: using techniques such as rock-probes, isotope tracing, and deep-penetration geochemistry, the material composition of the lithosphere at different layers will be determined. 3) Deep Processes and Surface Evolution Observational System, deploying multi-parameter, long-term, in-situ and real-time integrated physical, chemical, biological and geological observation systems in the zone where the continental margin and geodynamic processes are active. 4) Develop 10,000+ meter Scientific Drilling Technology and Equipment: developing extra-deep scientific drilling equipment, directly obtaining deep Earth samples, establishing geophysical and geochemical markers at great depths, testing or verifying the scientific validity of the geophysical and geology predictions. 5) Develop and broaden Deep Earth Science: study the deep materials and interfaces characteristics, deep Earth material circulation, deep Earth dynamics processes and mechanisms, sedimentary archives and environmental effects, investigate the mechanism of the unique properties of the lithospheric structure of East Asia in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Eras and its response to the surface system, and the process of continental formation and evolution at the depth. SinoProbe adheres to the principle of wide-open cooperation, and continues to exchange and share the science progress with global scientists, universities, institutes and organizations. SinoProbe strives to advance the geoscience for the sustainable development of the Mankind.
  • Session 1

    Quo Vadis? Critical unexplored regions of Earth


    BROWN, Larry (Cornell University, USA), DONG Shuwen (SinoProbe Lab. and Nanjing University, China), ZHU Rixiang (Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS, China), ASSUMPCAO Marcelo (University of São Paulo, Brazil), EBINGER Cindy(Tulane University, USA), THYBO Hans (ILP), HOU Zengqian (SinoProbe Lab., China), DURRHEIM Raymond (University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa) Quo Vadis (trans. “Where are we going?”)


    The Earth CT international cooperation program originates from initial discussions during the International Symposium, DEEP-2018. Deep Earth processes control geological evolution, including the formation of natural resources, natural disasters, and large-scale environmental changes at the surface of the Earth. The Earth CT program aims to globally construct long profiles in wide corridors to image the lithosphere by integrative interpretation of geoscientific data. This session welcomes researchers from all over the world to share their research achievements in the field of deep lithospheric studies using integrative techniques including deep seismic reflection and refraction profiling, broadband seismic observations, magnetotelluric sounding (MT) and so on. The aims of the CT program are to reveal the deep structure of the lithosphere, recognize the deep processes of plate movement and their control and influence on the surface system, explore energy and mineral resources at depth, and provide insight into geoscience frontier issues, such as the mechanisms controlling natural disasters and their intrinsic dynamics. Informed by such studies of existing results, we also seek to stimulate future lithospheric research by a discussion of critical tectonic zones that have not yet been probed by modern deep exploration techniques. We hope that this discussion will facilitate new initiatives such as the global deep exploration cooperation (Earth CT) program.
  • Session 2

    Deep structure and dynamics of Himalaya-Tibet


    KLEMPERER Simon (Stanford University, USA), DING Lin (Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, CAS, China), YUAN Xiaohui (GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences, Germany),LU Zhanwu (SinoProbe Lab. and Institute of Geology, CAGS, China), GUO Xiaoyu (Sun Yat-Sen University, China), GHOSH Attreyee (Indian Institute of Science, India), LI Zhong-Hai (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)


    Understanding the geodynamics of the Himalaya and Tibetan Plateau provides crucial insights into global tectonic processes, mountain building mechanisms, and associated natural hazards. Recently, a wealth of deep exploration and geodynamic studies of the Himalaya-Tibetan orogen have been conducted to decipher the underlying mechanisms of the continental collision and orogeny. Surface processes, such as erosion, sedimentation and climate dynamics, in turn influence the tectonic evolution of the Himalaya–Tibetan plateau. This session focuses on the studies of the deep processes and geodynamics that shape this vast orogen, as well as the studies concerning the complex interactions between tectonics and surface processes. We invite submissions aimed at documenting and understanding the collisional tectonics, lithospheric geometry and mass balance of the Himalaya-Tibetan Plateau, using any geophysical, geochemical, geochronological or geological datasets, and/or geodynamic modelling, with the aim of elucidating the 4D evolution of this continental collision.
  • Session 3

    Deep structure and evolution of Eurasia


    XIAO Wenjiao (Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, CAS, China), SCHULMANN Karel (Czech Geological Survey), ZHAO Liang (Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS, China), MOONEY, Walter D. (U.S. Geological Survey, USA), CARBONELL Ramon (CSIC-Inst. Earth Sciences, Spain), CHEN Xuanhua (SinoProbe Lab., China)


    Eurasia is the largest and most geologically diverse land mass on Earth, composed of several representative orogens including the Altaids, Caledonides, Hercynides, Tethysides and Uralides. More than five decades of exploration has probed their deep structure, including a variety of geologic, geochemical and geophysical methods, including active and passive seismic studies as well as non-seismic methods. This session welcomes contributions that report new insights into the deep structure of Eurasian orogens. Results that are multi-disciplinary and that combine multiple data sets are welcomed.
  • Session 4

    Dynamics of intracontinental deformation


    GERYA Taras(ETH, Zurich), ZHANG Junfeng (University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China), CHEN Ling (Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS, China), WANG Qin (Nanjing University, China), LI Jianhua (SinoProbe Lab. and Institute of Geomechanics, CAGS, China)


    This interdisciplinary session invites contributions from disciplines in geophysics, geodynamics, structural geology and geochemistry that focus on the structure and evolution of the continental lithosphere and on geodynamic processes within the continental interior. The session will present overviews of current knowledge on the structure of the crust and the upper mantle in different tectonic settings, ranging from Precambrian cratons to sedimentary basins, continental rift zones, and intracontinental collisional orogens. Geodynamic studies will demonstrate the role of various processes in intracontinental deformation, ranging from collisional, extensional and strike-slip deformation by plate tectonics, to intracontinental deformation caused by lithosphere-mantle dynamic interaction associated with hotspots, large igneous provinces and large-scale impacts.
  • Session 5

    Cratons and their margins


    YUAN Huaiyu (Geological Survey of Western Australia, Perth, Australia), GESSNER Klaus (Geological Survey of Western Australia, Perth, Australia), ZHANG Shuanhong (SinoProbe Lab. and Institute of Geomechanics, CAGS, China), and LEVIN Vadim (Center for Earthquake Research and Information, University of Memphis, Memphis, USA)


    The interior of continents, especially the stable Precambrian cratons and their margins, preserve a rich tectonic record detailing the formation, reworking, and potential destruction of continental crust and lithosphere. Recent advances in geophysical imaging have provided novel insights into the tectonic history and evolutionary trajectories of Precambrian cratons. In this session, we invite contributions from studies utilizing passive-source, active-source seismic, and other geophysical techniques, emphasizing research into the structural evolution and compositional properties of these ancient continental cores.
  • Session 6

    Crust-mantle interaction


    XU Yigang (Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, CAS, China), YANG Jingsui (Institute of Geology, CAGS and Nanjing University, China), GAZEL Esteban (Cornell University, USA), ZHENG Jianping (China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China), CHEN Lihui (Northwest University, Xi' an, China), GRIFFIN William (Macquarie University, Australia)


    Melting of the mantle transports materials from depth to the Earth’s surface and builds the crust. Conversely, crustal material returns to the mantle through subduction, erosion and/or delamination. Such a cycling process plays a key role in the habitability of our planet. The recycling of crustal materials, including volatiles, not only affects the net growth of the crust, but also modifies the composition and the physical property of the mantle. In recent decades, crustal growth, crustal recycling processes and the fate of recycled crust have been investigated through petrological/geochemical observations of natural rocks, e.g. oceanic/continental basalts, mantle xenoliths/xenocrysts, ophiolitic mantle rocks, orogenic peridotites, ultra-high pressure metamorphic rocks, diamonds and their inclusions, and also through high-pressure experiments and geodynamic modelling. Recent progress on the above topics is welcome in this session.
  • Session 7

    Surface processes in response to deep earth dynamics


    LIU Jing (Tianjin University, China), KLINGER Yann (IPGP, France), LI Haibin (SinoProbe Lab. and Institute of Geology, CAGS, China), BRAUN Jean (GFZ, Germany), ZHANG Huiping (Institute of Geology, CEA)


    Interactions between geological and surface processes and deep earth dynamics are increasingly recognized at various scales over the past decades. This ongoing research has profound implications for predicting natural hazards, interpreting sedimentary archives, and modelling global geochemical cycles. Earth surface processes operate at the intersection of tectonics, climate, and biology, making them inherently multifaceted and complex to study. Recent advances in geo/thermochronology, numerical methods, and remote sensing continue to improve our ability to measure landscape dynamics and explore the complicated interplay between various earth systems across an increasing range of spatial and temporal scales. Improved techniques used in novel combinations facilitates interrogating geologic processes that differ across landscapes and timescales. In this session, we welcome studies that combine analytical techniques and new approaches to investigate diverse terrestrial processes (e.g. mountain building, erosion, landscape development, weathering, soil development, ecosystem shifts) across disparate spatial or temporal domains, and attempt to explore the potential linkage with deep earth dynamics.
  • Session 8

    Lithospheric architecture, deep earth material probing, and metallogenesis


    WANG Tao (SinoProbe Lab. and Institute of Geology, CAGS, China), HOU Zengqian (SinoProbe Lab., China), SELTMANN, Reimar (The Natural History Museum, UK), COLLINS William (Curtin University, Australia), KUSKY Timothy (China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China),SAFONOVA Inna (Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China)


    One of the important tasks of solid-Earth science is to investigate deep crustal and whole lithosphere architecture, pathways and processes that create large-scale mineralization. Lithospheric (magmas and rock) probes and isotopic mapping (such as whole-rock Nd, zircon Hf) provide powerful datasets that can be used to interpret abundant geophysical data for these deep regions and to define their thermochemical structure that can inform energy-and mineral-exploration strategies. This session is focused on: (1) Continental growth and three-dimensional deep Lithospheric architecture from 3D to 4D; (2) Ore systems, their timing and location as related to lithospheric architecture and tectonic environment; and (3) Integration of petrology, geochemical, and geophysical datasets in constructing 3D-4D Lithospheric architecture and a predictive model for metallogenesis through time. Case studies on regional crustal and underlying mantle architecture, deep-lithosphere geochemical fingerprints, and regional metallogenesis are also welcome.
  • Session 9

    Deep Lithosphere structure and its control on Mineral Systems


    Lü Qingtian (SinoProbe Lab., China), ARTEMIEVA Irina (SinoProbe Lab.,Denmark), CHRISTOPHER Juhlin (Uppsala University, Sweden), YANG Zhiming (SinoProbe Lab. and Institute of Geology, CAGS, China), DENTITH Michael (University of Western Australia, Australia), LI Yaoguo (University of Colorado, USA)


    The geological processes in the lithosphere are closely related to deposition of minerals, many of which occur only in specific lithospheric settings. We invite contributions from geology, geophysics, geodynamics, geochemistry and petrology with focus on the links between the crustal structure, lithosphere evolution, plate tectonics, deep mantle processes, including LIPs, and the origin of various mineral deposits in different geodynamic and tectonic settings. Multidisciplinary contributions with focus on Precambrian cratons, continental collisional belts, modern and paleo-subduction systems, and large igneous provinces are particularly welcome.
  • Session 10

    Earthquake Hazards 1: Before the earthquake: predicting, forecasting, alerting


    ZHANG Yongxian (Institute of Earthquake Forecasting, CEA, China), CHEN Chieh-Hung (State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection, Chengdu University of Technology, China), KOSSOBOKOV Vladimir (Institute of Earthquake Prediction Theory and Mathematical Geophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia),PERESAN Antonella (Seismological Research Centre National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics – OGS, Italy),WERNER Max(School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, UK)


    Earthquakes are not random occurrences but do lack an obvious principle of organization. Instead, earthquakes appear self-organized phenomena within Earth’s hierarchy ranging from tectonic plates to grains of rocks that move relative to each other. Significant steps have been made towards assessing earthquake space-time-magnitude relationships and recognition of multifactorial patterns, showing the potential for reproducible, testable, and reliable operational earthquake forecasting. Regrettably, existing systems of operational early warning after an earthquake occurs have large “dead/blind zones” due to uncertainty in quick determinations of its size and location. Pre-earthquake anomalous phenomena exhibit spatiotemporal characteristics; realistic forecast assessment may consider different time scales from decades to months (or even weeks, or days) at global, regional, and local scales. This session encourages the exchange of knowledge and sharing of good practices acquired through various methodologies. Contributions addressing the following theoretical and practical issues are welcome:
    • Relevant state-of-the-art multidisciplinary observations.
    • Systematic analysis, physical interpretation, and modelling of earthquake related processes.
    • Validation and statistical justification of various candidates to precursors of catastrophic earthquakes.
    • Earthquake forecast/prediction experiments and testing of predictability.
    • Time-dependent seismic hazard assessment based on reproducible observables.
    • Methods for cascading risks assessment.
    • Problems in dissemination of earthquake related information.
  • Session 11

    Earthquake Hazards 2: After the earthquake: rapid response


    LI Ying (Institute of Earthquake Forecasting, China Earthquake Administration, China), WU Zhongliang (Institute of Earthquake Forecasting, CEA, China), MENG Guojie (Institute of Earthquake Forecasting, CEA, China), TAKAHASHI Hiroaki  (Institute of Seismology and Volcanology, Hokkaido University, Japan), CARACAUSI Antonio (National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Italy), RABEH Taha (National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, Egypt ),WU Shanshan (Shanghai Earthquake Administration, CEA, China)


    Rapid initiation of scientific expeditions after large earthquakes plays an important role in understanding earthquake cycles, analyzing disaster-causing factors, and promoting earthquake disaster prevention and mitigation. Numerous scientific expeditions have been conducted in many countries/regions stricken by devastating earthquakes in various initiation and work modes. Thus, we propose this session focusing on but not limited to:  a) Causes of earthquakes; b) Processes of earthquake; c) Influence of earthquakes on regional earthquake hazard assessment. D) Factors contributing to earthquake disasters. E) Techniques applicable to earthquake investigation, such as space-borne electromagnetic detection, deep drilling, geoelectric observations, etc.
  • Session 12

    Continental scientific drilling: Challenges and opportunities


    ZENG Lingsen(SinoProbe Lab. and Institute of Geology, CAGS, China), BOHNHOFF Marco (ICDP, Germany), BOUSH Park Lisa (University of Connecticut, USA), YASUHIRO Yamada (Kyushu University, Japan)


    Continental Scientific Drilling offers unique opportunities to investigate the workings of the interior of our planet. It contributes to major advances in many fields of socio-economic relevance, such as climate and ecosystem evolution, mitigation of geohazards, sustainable use of georesources, deep crustal and tectonic processes, and the deep biosphere. Drilling is the key method to retrieve uncompromised samples to complement surface studies and verify modelling results. Because boreholes provide access to the source regions of dynamic processes in the Earth’s interior, they offer opportunities for near-field observations and long-term monitoring and acquisition of in-situ samples and -data. This session invites contributions that present ongoing and review recent achievements and scientific results from Earth sampling and monitoring through continental and marine drilling endeavors. In addition, we encourage papers that outline perspectives and visions for future drilling projects using new, innovative approaches, including but not limited to Land-to-Sea drilling, digital twins, and the use of scientific drilling legacy data.
  • Session 13

    Developments in dense array seismology


    YAO Huajian, ZHANG Haijiang (University of Science and Technology of China), TIAN Xiaobo (Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS, China), GUO Zhen (Southern University of Science and Technology, China), ZENG Xiangfang (Innovation Academy of Precision Measurement Science and Technology, CAS, China)


    Dense arrays have been widely used in seismological studies and have greatly facilitated our understanding of seismic source properties and Earth’s structures of various length scales. Nodal arrays (geophones with built-in battery and digitizer) have more recently been used in high-resolution imaging of regional crustal structures, volcanic regions, fault zones, urban areas, oil and gas fields and mineral deposits, etc. These seismic nodes are much cheaper and easier to deploy than broadband sensors, making dense arrays with tens or hundreds of meters receiver spacing feasible for high-resolution imaging of shallow structures and high-precision earthquake locations. In addition, recent developments in Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) have make ultra-dense-array imaging and source location applicable even using existing telecommunication fiber cables. In this session, we invite contributions from all relevant studies using dense arrays composed of broadband seismometers, integrated geophones, or DAS. We are particularly interested in new techniques related to data processing, imaging, full waveform inversion, and source location (including induced and triggered earthquakes) based on dense arrays. Dense array applications with passive and active sources including ambient noise sources are all encouraged for submission.
  • Session 14

    Electromagnetic geophysics


    JIN Sheng (China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China), SCHULTZ Adam (Oregon State University, USA), YE Gaofeng(China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China), COMEAU Matthew Joseph (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands), ZHANG Kun (SinoProbe Lab., China)


    We call for contributions on all aspects of Electromagnetic (EM) methods that advance our understanding of the tectonics and geodynamics of the lithosphere and asthenosphere. We seek presentations from field observations to physical/numerical modelling that image the solid Earth on both the regional and the global scales. Development of laboratory measurements of rock/mineral resistivity, new instrumentation, and new methodologies are also welcomed. Multi-disciplinary studies that combine the EM and other geophysical methods are particularly encouraged.
  • Session 15

    Natural hydrogen: New geological energy


    HAN Shuangbiao(China University of Mining and Technology, China); HORSFIELD Brian (GEOS4, Germany); PRINZHOFER Alain (GEO4U, Brazil); WAITE David (The University of New South Wales, Australia), HU Qinhong (China University of Petroleum, China); MENG Qingqiang (Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute, Sinopec, China)


    As a sustainable and renewable primary energy source, natural hydrogen (geo-hydrogen) is gradually becoming the focus of global energy research. The success of natural hydrogen exploration and development in Mali, shows its industrial development potential. The United States, Australia, France and other countries have carried out special natural hydrogen exploration and resource evaluation work, and Science listed "Hunt for natural hydrogen heats up" as one of the top ten scientific breakthroughs in 2023. Our current understanding about the natural processes leading to natural hydrogen's formation and occurrence is rather vague, especially when it comes to quantitative and economic considerations. The formation mechanisms and enrichment modes of natural hydrogen, the preservation of natural hydrogen, and the development of detection and exploitation technologies all need our attention. This session welcomes and invites global scientists engaged in natural hydrogen research to submit abstracts to participate in the discussion of the earth's natural hydrogen resources.

Special Session

  • Session 16

    The next great geosciences voyage


    ZHU Rixiang (Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS, China), DONG Shuwen (SinoProbe Lab. and Nanjing University, China), WANG Chengshan (China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China), HOU Zengqian (SinoProbe Lab. and Institute of Geology, CAGS, China)


    SinoProbe-II (2024-2030) has just been funded by the Chinese government with a grand new mission. Building on the foundation of SinoProbe-I, the ambitious aims of the SinoProbe-II are to: 1) significantly improve deep-Earth exploration technology; 2) increase the depth extent of deep Earth targets; 3) enhance the knowledge of the structure, composition, and deep evolution of the lithosphere of the continental East Asia and its surface evolution, and 4) reveal the deep dynamics of mineralization, hydrocarbon accumulation, and geohazard. The expansion of deep Earth perspectives will lead to the birth of “Modern Deep Earth Science”. The main targets of the SinoProbe-II include: 1) Lithospheric Fine Structure Imaging: Integrated deep seismic profiling together with three-dimensional P- and S-wave velocity structure (broadband station spacing of 30×30 km), and electrical structural imaging of continental lithosphere at a 1°×1° resolution. 2) Deep Earth Composition: using techniques such as rock-probes, isotope tracing, and deep-penetration geochemistry, the material composition of the lithosphere at different layers will be determined. 3) Deep Processes and Surface Evolution Observational System, deploying multi-parameter, long-term, in-situ and real-time integrated physical, chemical, biological and geological observation systems in the zone where the continental margin and geodynamic processes are active. 4) Develop 10,000+ meter Scientific Drilling Technology and Equipment: developing extra-deep scientific drilling equipment, directly obtaining deep Earth samples, establishing geophysical and geochemical markers at great depths, testing or verifying the scientific validity of the geophysical and geology predictions. 5) Develop and broaden Deep Earth Science: study the deep materials and interfaces characteristics, deep Earth material circulation, deep Earth dynamics processes and mechanisms, sedimentary archives and environmental effects, investigate the mechanism of the unique properties of the lithospheric structure of East Asia in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Eras and its response to the surface system, and the process of continental formation and evolution at the depth. SinoProbe adheres to the principle of wide-open cooperation, and continues to exchange and share the science progress with global scientists, universities, institutes and organizations. SinoProbe strives to advance the geoscience for the sustainable development of the Mankind.
  • Session 17

    Join the “China Deep Earth Science and Technology”, SinoProbe Lab. Talent Boost Program


    HOU Zengqian (SinoProbe Lab., China), TANG Jüxing (SinoProbe Lab. and CAGS, China), WU Dengding (CAGS, China)


    SinoProbe Laboratory (SinoProbe Lab.) is a new government-funded national fundamental research unit. It will serve as a platform of deep earth scientific research; the development center for core technology and key equipment for deep earth exploration; a support platform for the detection of deep energy, and deep mineral resources and underground space; the innovation base for deep earth observation experiments; the platform for sharing big data and the observing facilities for deep earth experiments; a new platform for international and intranational cooperation and talent development. It will be the operational unit of the SinoProbe-II, China Deep Earth Exploration Program, one of the national major scientific programs extending to 2030. The SinoProbe Lab. relies on the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (CAGS), but is directly administered by the Ministry of Natural Resources with a flat management structure and flexible mechanisms. It re-organizes new research branches and integrates multiple existing institutions through different formats. The center will be constructed to facilitate joint experiments and tasks across the departments, and to pursue the maximum use of existing talent, material and financial resources by taking great advantages of different units, departments and nations. It will be a win-win sharing platform for all earth scientists and institutions worldwide. At this session, Chinese Units will announce the new policies and positions to researchers worldwide with the goal of recruiting researchers, innovators, motivators and leaders to participate in the Deep Earth System Science (DESS). DESS includes Exploration of Deep Earth Structure, 4D Observation of Crustal Activity, Probing of Deep Material Composition and Distribution, Deep Material Cycles and Energy Conversion, Dynamic Behavior between Deep Earth Spherical Interfaces, Geodynamic Simulation, Data Processing and Imaging, Deep Exploration of Ore Deposits and Its 3D visualization, Super Deep Scientific Drilling, Exploration of Deep Gas and Oil, Geothermal Detection and Utilization, Development of Technology and Equipment (especially in geophysics), Deep Earth Science Big Data Management and Mining, and more. Please share your scientific experience, achievements, planning and visions of your field. We will provide diverse positions, hiring models, flexible work approaches and research funds to geoscientists in geology, geophysics, natural resources, engineering geology & geophysics, and big data, whether early-career or world-renowned senior scientists. We will provide different integrated research & benefit packages according to individual situations based on bilateral agreement through personal negotiation.


