Session 7: Surface processes in response to deep earth dynamics

Co-Conveners: LIU Jing (Tianjin University, China), KLINGER Yann (IPGP, France), LI Haibin (SinoProbe Lab. and Institute of Geology, CAGS, China), BRAUN Jean (GFZ, Germany), ZHANG Huiping (Institute of Geology, CEA)
Description: Interactions between geological and surface processes and deep earth dynamics are increasingly recognized at various scales over the past decades. This ongoing research has profound implications for predicting natural hazards, interpreting sedimentary archives, and modelling global geochemical cycles. Earth surface processes operate at the intersection of tectonics, climate, and biology, making them inherently multifaceted and complex to study. Recent advances in geo/thermochronology, numerical methods, and remote sensing continue to improve our ability to measure landscape dynamics and explore the complicated interplay between various earth systems across an increasing range of spatial and temporal scales. Improved techniques used in novel combinations facilitates interrogating geologic processes that differ across landscapes and timescales. In this session, we welcome studies that combine analytical techniques and new approaches to investigate diverse terrestrial processes (e.g. mountain building, erosion, landscape development, weathering, soil development, ecosystem shifts) across disparate spatial or temporal domains, and attempt to explore the potential linkage with deep earth dynamics.