Session 6: Crust-mantle interaction

Co-Conveners: XU Yigang (Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, CAS, China), YANG Jingsui (Institute of Geology, CAGS and Nanjing University, China), GAZEL Esteban (Cornell University, USA), ZHENG Jianping (China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China), CHEN Lihui (Northwest University, Xi' an, China), GRIFFIN William (Macquarie University, Australia)
Description: Melting of the mantle transports materials from depth to the Earth’s surface and builds the crust. Conversely, crustal material returns to the mantle through subduction, erosion and/or delamination. Such a cycling process plays a key role in the habitability of our planet. The recycling of crustal materials, including volatiles, not only affects the net growth of the crust, but also modifies the composition and the physical property of the mantle. In recent decades, crustal growth, crustal recycling processes and the fate of recycled crust have been investigated through petrological/geochemical observations of natural rocks, e.g. oceanic/continental basalts, mantle xenoliths/xenocrysts, ophiolitic mantle rocks, orogenic peridotites, ultra-high pressure metamorphic rocks, diamonds and their inclusions, and also through high-pressure experiments and geodynamic modelling. Recent progress on the above topics is welcome in this session.